Who would be the audience for your media product?
The audience for my media product would be teenagers and young adults (approximately aged between 15 and 25) as I discovered from my questionnaire which I created in my planning before the construction of my product. The majority of the people I surveyed answered that they did enjoy thriller films and also fit into this age category, whereas adults aged between 40 and 50 usually had a common dislike for thriller films. The majority of thriller films are also rated age 15 and over due to disturbing storylines and images that could be inappropriate for younger age groups, and often films in the psychological thriller genre feature intellectual and thought provoking narratives that require a more mature audience, so these films are targeted towards young adults rather than teenagers.

Personally, I think that teenagers between the age of 15 and 20 would watch my media product as they are a relatable age to the characters featured in the product, and would be intrigued by the narrative enigma of the reasons behind the anonymous caller and the mysterious male character are seeking revenge on the female character, who is seemingly innocent and vulnerable and doesn't appear to be capable of committing a crime or act of cruelty. As the film clip is modern and features the use of modern technology and ideas, teenagers and young adults would typically be more interested in watching the film than those belonging to an older target group, as the props and storylines will be more relevant to a younger viewer's lifestyle than a much older viewer.
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