Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Research - Analysing Other Students' Work

Research - Other Students' Work

For part of my research I have chosen to watch a varietyof other students' final pieces on Weebly from a couple of years ago to give me inspiration for my final piece, and to analyse what contributes to a good final piece to receive a high grade.

The first video I watched is titled Ring of Trees, and received an E grade from the examination board. The clip begins in a dark, unknown location with the characters shouting and running towards the camera, and then wipes to a black screen where the title credits start. The credits only appear for a very short amount of time, so it's difficult to read them all in time which creates an unprofessional standard and seems rushed, so I will make sure I do not do this when creating my final piece in order to not be marked down for any potential errors. The lighting throughout the clip changes drastically which reinforces the unprofessional quality, and makes it difficult for the audience to see the characters' facial expressions as they're filmed in the dark outside. The quality of the film footage is poor which suggests that this group didn't film their footage on a professional camera and may have used their smartphones which are visible in the film, as one of the character's uses a torch light on her phone to make the other characters' visible in the dark. This yet again makes their project appear unprofessional and poor quality, so I will take their errors into account when filming my final piece so that my footage is as high quality as possible.  

E Grade clip (Ring of Trees):

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